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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why does a born and bred Californian like Indianapolis for real estate investment?

That’s the question that I am always asked. After all, aren’t we supposed to invest in our own backyards?

My answer is very simple—Cash flow and ROI.

Indy is consistently ranked one of the most affordable real estate markets in the U.S. You can buy 2 or 3 properties in Indianapolis for what you’d  pay for just 1 property in the most affordable California market. And that means higher ROI’s. ROI’s of 12-14% are very typical and can be much higher depending on the area of town.

Plus, the cash flow is great-- ranging between $400-$500 per month on single family homes-- after ALL expenses.

But Indianapolis offers more than just high returns. It’s also one of the safest markets for investment. In fact, Local Market Monitor, Inc. rates Indy as one of the top 3 safest markets for real estate investors according to the Wall Street Journal. Read the article here:

So with  numbers like these, it’s clear why this Californian loves Indianapolis. I’ll still take our weather though!

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